Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunday Night Scallops

Tonight we were lucky enough to have Alaska scallops for dinner. A friend in Kodiak sent them to us and this is the first of 4 scallops meals we will enjoy thanks to Kathleen. They were sooooo good.

For starters, this batch was simply seasoned and seared. Not sure how we will prepare the remaining 3 packets. I pared the scallops with another tomato pie and steamed asaparagus. You really gotta try the tomato pie from a couple posts back.


Julie said...

You know, we haven't had scallops in such a long time...tomrrow is grocery day and we will have us some!!! Your meal looked scrumptious!!!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Yum. Thanks for the recipe link. Sadly, no homegrown tomatoes this year but I have an abundance of basil.

JaMean said...

Oh yummy! I should not be looking at this at midnight, now I want a snack! :)