Tuesday, September 12, 2017


The more observant of you may have noticed that in my last post (Hurricane Irma) I mentioned our two dogs. Yes, we have one less dog these days. Diamond crossed the rainbow bridge last Saturday, September 2nd. If was a merciful death because her quality was life was not good and we were concerned she was starting to suffer. She was generally healthy but 17 years takes its toll. She was deaf, blind, and had difficulty walking on our floors. She also shook with pain which we managed with medication. The saddest part was seeing her confused, stuck in a corner or against the wall, or the endless circling.

Diamond first came to Ratbone Rescues at the age of two and heartworm positive. She was cured and adopted out to a single woman who kept her for 10 years but returned her once her babies came. She was 12 when I fostered her. Because we learned she had nipped a child (the previous owner said it was the child's fault, not Diamond's) she was deemed unadoptable. Eventually we adopted her and had her for 5 years.

While it was a somber day and we absolutely hated making that decision for her, we know it was right. We miss her but am happy that she is no longer suffering.

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