Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Way Back Wednesday 7/30/2008

Another photo from the archives. If you click on the image to see the larger version you should be able to read the names and see my Great Grandmother as a young woman (before her marriage) and her parents, my Great Great Grandparents. This GG is my maternal grandmother's mother. Her name was Icie Brewer and she married Henry Newton Gillihan. modern times:

Home today with ice on foot. Finished my book by 9am so trying to figure out what to do for remainder of day........... The dogs are doing their usual - sleeping the day away.

Met Cousins Erica, Lea, Sarah and my mom for dinner last night at Cracker Barrell. None of the dinners sounded good for some reason so I had blueberry pancakes for dinner. They were very good and hit the spot even at 6pm. Not a pancake lover but almost anything with blueberries is fine by me :)

1 comment:

Rusty in Miami said...

I love old family pictures. Little did they know that some day in the future, that picture was going to be available for the entire world to see.