Sunday, November 23, 2008

Domestic Goddess

Today I was a domestic goddess. Must have been the one day of the year where the sun was aligned with the moon in a 30day month ending in R and the temperature was above the dew point or something like that. LOL

I started by shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. Actually, I started by reading the paper and listening to weekend edition on NPR,but that doesn't add to my DG image. But eventually I went shopping for a turkey to cook for Thanksgiving and for eggs to make deviled eggs for a work luncheon on Tuesday. I got a great deal on a turkey too! It was $10 for a 20 pounder. I would like to take the credit for such a smart purchase but actually my mom told me about the best deal plus she gave me a coupon.

Did some laundry in our sorta new, techno washer and dryer. For about the first 6 months I was able to convince Jerry I didn't understand how to use them but now the gig it up. Ugh....

While the washer was washing and the dryer was drying, I played my flute and piccollo accompanied by several famous philharmonic orchestras. You see, I play along with clasical CDs and pretend I am in the woodwind section, LOL.

Decided to cut out a new pattern for doggie jammies. I did get a very good buy on some nice polar fleece and I didn't need my mom to find that for me. $6 a yard and nice quality too. Most of the fleece at JoAnn's had large prints that would be out of scale for my projects but these embroidered cherries were perfect.

Miss Daisey was a reluctant model. She didn't seem to like them either. I believe it was because of the back legs. I struggled getting her in them - hey, it was my first time, LOL.

Then I made a meatloaf for dinner - not my favorite but Jerr loves it and hes been working so hard lately. The light in my oven doesn't work and the kitchen is so bright with windows that I can barely read the digital controls for the oven much less see in there. I had no idea until I look at this photo that my oven needs cleaning. Oops. I might do that tonight.

These last photos are some of my Thanksgiving decorations. I just change up my fall stuff to work for Halloween and Thanksgiving. Thought I would photo them since this time next week I may be putting up a Christmas tree - if I can decide on how I want to do it this year. So many ideas.........


Julie said...

Oh...this was the funniest, and the cutest post ever!!!!!

I nearly dropped my teeth that you play flute!!! That used to be my instrument way back when!

You are one interesting chick!!!

Nice jammies for the dog. What will you think of next???

The stars were definately aligned for you today!!!

Admin said...

Aww I love those doggie jammies, they look so cozy!! I love learning more about the person behind the blogger. I didn't know you were a flutist, that's very impressive. I only play the drums now, they are my favorite instrument so far, they don't require the musicality that I don't have. LOL.