Sunday, December 7, 2008

Pearl Harbor Day

I am dedicating my post this morning to the memory of the people and events of December 7th, 1941. As a child we had a family friend that was a Navy nurse in Honalulu on that historic day and she never spoke of it other than to admit she was there. I suspect it was true horror for her. I have never forgotten her mysterious silence although at the time I had no idea what occurred at Pearl Harbor.

Similar to the events on 9/11, the attack on Pearl Harbor was a well planned sneak attack on Americans - specifically the Navy fleet. I won't go into a history lesson because so much is available online and because I'm no expert. Plus, I have no desire to get involved in any controversial debates. Just want to acknowledge the folks who died and those who survived the attack.

I was moved by a visit to the memorial at the USS Arizona in Hawaii and hope that if you are ever in the area you will visit it too. My father in law, who was in the Navy at the time of the attack, so wanted to go there and took a once in a lifetime trip to Hawaii. As luck would have it, he was there during one of those times when the government shut down because the budget hadn't passed so the memorial was closed. This post is for you, Ray.

1 comment:

tina said...

A memorable day indeed, all the more so since it is a special person's birthday who is in my life. Nice remembrance for sure.