Monday, June 6, 2011

Birmingham, Alabama

We're home! I'll make several posts about our trip to Arkansas. This series of photos is from Birmingham Alabama. Previously I posted about the destruction we saw (on our way up to Arkansas) but I didn't feel comfortable taking photos. Now, it's a week later so I feel better about taking and sharing photo (presuming there are no people buried under debris).
This is where we, and many others, pulled over. It was once a gas station. It was so sunny that my photos are bleeched out but what I am trying to show is the tile floor and plumbing left behind after the building was blown away.

The damage was a somewhat narrow "band" ripped through neighborhoods on both sides of a highway. The neighborhood to one side was up on a slight hill and the other is down in a shallow gulley. It looked like a line of bombs were dropped and you should be able to enlarge to get a better view.

Wide-angle above and zoom in below of the same neighborhood.

Again, same shot with one close up and one wide angle.

Edge of the road.

It was so sunny I couldn't get a good view of what was in my view finder or I would have taken a better photo here because it says it all. HUGE rootball with tree through house. Photo looks like earth or bolder but it is the root ball of a large tree.

The gas station where I got out to take photos, or what's left of it. You can see the cover where the tanks would have been and the mangled sign.

Hopefully these photos will raise awarement of what occured in Birmingham. If anyone was considering donating to the recovery process but wasn't sure, I hope these photos will help your decision.

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