Friday, April 26, 2013

National Museum of the American Indian

We only visited one of the Smithsonian museum while we were in Washington DC earlier in the month and I chose the National Museum of the American Indian. I have a soft spot for tribal/Native museums after having worked for the Alutiiq Museum & Archeological Repository in Kodiak.

 The exterior of the building.
 Mom with one of the scriptures outside the museum
 A woven boat???
 Paddles made by Jerry Laktonen
 A Yupik mask
 Ceramic made by Pomonkey tribe members - I took this for an old work friend whose father is a member.
I believe this was the outside of the Rasmussen theatre
The museum was awesome. A nice exhibit of many different cultures. What I found most impressive was that it taught history and then on another floor it was more of a "who we are now" type exhibit. I believe that's an important distinction that Native peoples are current, not past.

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