Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Mysterious Female and Brokewing's New Home

This is BrokeWing (now "Handsome") shortly before the neighbor captured him. His girlfriend was at his side a lot even though she could fly. She was definitely not one of his siblings. Those of us who paid a lot of attention to the Muscovy could recognize an outsider - it's weird but true.

And this is Handsome at his new digs. They actually took him to the vet where his angel wing was clipped off. We earned that he will never fly and the wing will continue to grow back and much be clipped every year to make him more comfortable.

The set up he has is a small picket fence off of their regular fence so they can open the gate and he can see the outside world yet remain safe from a busy road. The neighbors have put mirror up at the corners of the fence so he can visit with himself, lol. He swims in their pool and is eating well. I can attest to that because I took him a cup of oatmeal, which he survived on for months, and he wasn't interested.

I think he recognized me because he wasn't at all afraid of me but he would not get off his patio furniture (footstool) to visit me. He's matured a lot (takes two years for them to become sexually mature) and he's going to look so much like his mama. I think his whole head and neck will be white and his carunckles are growing in too! His new daddy has been comparing feet colors to identify the family.

So this will likely be my last entry about Broke Wing the duck since he is now a pet named Handsome.

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