Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday Gardening part 3 - Hibiscus

Pink one is my neighbor's HUGE bush/tree that hangs over my fence. The double, ruffled peach one is mine, all mine! LOL (How did that rose and passion flower sneak their photos in there?)


Julie said...

I love the double peach hibiscus, and the pink one too! Have you ever gone to a hibiscus show? That is so amazing to see all those blooms in one room, like that!

This is a pretty passion flower...very nice. Seems like a remember when we were kids that each little part and peice of the blossom had something to to with Christ. I can't remember how it was...I better go research that!

Wicked Gardener said...

I love that passion flower. I have one that blooms about two flowers before the caterpillars devour it. Do you have to do anything special to keep it nice?

My Little Family: said...

Actually my husband ripped it down about a year ago and I was not happy with him; howeve,r it grew back stronger than ever. Perhaps that is the ticket,


Donna said...

Wow, those are beautiful hibiscus. I've never tried growing anything but cacti after my lavender garden died of a mealy bug infestation. Hmmm, I'm tempted to break the cacti habit and give this plant a try. The flowers are so pretty!