Saturday, September 20, 2008


I had a great night's sleep last night. I believe I was in bed by 11 and slept until 7:30 this morning. Seems on too many weekends I stay up late and then wake up early and I am tired all day - not today! And look what I saw in the pond this morning....

Wood Stocks! They aren't rare in Florida but I don't seem them in the pond very often. Usually it's ibis, ducks, roseate spoonbills, and a variety of herons.

Below is a photo of me just before I went ot bed last night. I was thinking how thanksful I am to Sarah Palin for popularizing the up-do, because I love to wear my hair up, and for wearing glasses - which I do most of the time. Thanks for making my status quo fashionable!
So I had to clean up a mess at my sewing/craft table because Annie had some sort of cat fit and knocked everything over. I took the opportunity to go through my drawers and shelves and reorganize EVERYTHING and throw out projects I have carried around for years and never completed. I considered if there was a web site where someone else might want them but I was in the "mood" then and afraid that waiting would prevent me from purging.

Then I put out my fall decorations. It doesn't feel like fall here in central Florida but my heart says time to change the wreaths on the front door and drag out my leaf garlands, fabric pumpkins, scarecrow, bale of hay, black cats, etc. Abut a week before Halloween I will add some scary stuff and then remove that and add my Thanksgiving. I guess I actually have 3 stages of fall decorations. Can you believe I am even talking about Thanksgiving?!?!?!

Went to dinner at Sam Seltzer' tonight with the moms. Filet mignon and steamed veggies - yummy. Tonight I might sew in my newly organized work station but for now I am just admiring it in all it's clean and organized glory! I even cleaned all my Omnigrid rulers. I don't believe I've ever done that before, LOL. In an hour it will be time to listen to my radio program "This American Life" - I hope it is not a rerun again this week, or at least that it is not one I have already heard. Oh well, I do have a book................

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